Refractor telescopes
When it comes to refractor telescopes you have a lot of choice at Ganymedes, the telescopes and binoculars store in the Netherlands. You will find complete refractor telescope systems as well as separate refractor tubes in our range. Whatever your wishes and requirements are, we are happy to help you find the refractor telescope for you. With us you always choose from renowned brands, including William Optics and Celestron.
Which refractor telescope is right for you?
Ganymedes has a wide range of refractor telescopes. Choose the aperture, focal length and maximum meaningful magnification and resolution. What may be the weight and length of the tube? Are you going for a new model or a second-hand model? Whatever your wishes and requirements are: we are happy to help you find the refractor telescope for you. With us you always choose from renowned brands, including William Optics and Celestron.
William Optics ZenithStar 61 II
Read more about the William Optics ZenithStar 61 II here
William Optics RedCat 51 APO
The 250mm focal length and fast f/4.9 allow short exposure times for astrophotography. The working distance of up to 59.70mm is ideal for using astrocameras and DSLR/SLR cameras. The 2″ thread in the T-ring also allows you to use a filter. The included Bahtinov mask helps focus astrophotographic objects and is integrated into the lens cap.
William Optics GT81 IV
William Optics FLT91
Order your product from stock
Airy Disk 60ED grijs refractor f/5.5 Doublet
Aperture (mm): 60Focal length (mm): 330Speed (f): 5.5Available -
Airy Disk 60ED wit refractor f/5.5 Doublet
Aperture (mm): 60Focal length (mm): 330Speed (f): 5.5Available -
Winter deal
Airy Disk APO 106mm f/6.6 triplet ED FCD-100 refractor
Aperture (mm): 106Focal length (mm): 700Speed (f): 6.6Available -
Airy Disk APO 96mm f/6 ED Apochromatic Refractor
Aperture (mm): 96Focal length (mm): 575Speed (f): 6Available -
Askar 103 APO f/6.8 Triplet ED
Aperture (mm): 103Focal length (mm): 700Speed (f): 6.8Available -
Askar 120 APO f/7 Triplet ED
Aperture (mm): 120Focal length (mm): 840Speed (f): 7Available -
Askar 140 APO f/7 Triplet ED
Aperture (mm): 140Focal length (mm): 900Speed (f): 7Available -
Askar 71F flat-field Quadruplet air-spaced APO
Aperture (mm): 71Focal length (mm): 490Speed (f): 6.9Available -
Askar FMA135 f/4.5 APO flatfield Telephoto lens
Aperture (mm): 30Focal length (mm): 135Speed (f): 4.5Available -
Askar FMA180 Pro 180 mm f/4.5 Apo lens
Aperture (mm): 40Focal length (mm): 180Speed (f): 4.5Available -
Askar FRA400 72mm Quintuplet refractor
Aperture (mm): 72Focal length (mm): 400Speed (f): 5.6Available -
Askar FRA500 90mm Flat Field Quintuplet
Aperture (mm): 90Focal length (mm): 500Speed (f): 5.6Available -
Askar FRA600 Quintuplet f5.6 refractor
Aperture (mm): 108Focal length (mm): 600Speed (f): 5.6Available -
Askar SQA55 Super Quintruplet Astrograph
Aperture (mm): 55Focal length (mm): 264Speed (f): 4.8Available -
Celestron AstroMaster 70AZ met smartphone en maanfilter
Aperture (mm): 70Focal length (mm): 900Speed (f): 13Available -
Gezien bij Sterrenpraatjes!
Celestron StarSense Explorer LT 80AZ
Aperture (mm): 80Focal length (mm): 900Speed (f): 11Available -
DWARF II smart telescoop deluxe uitvoering
Aperture (mm): 24Focal length (mm): 100Speed (f): 4.17Ask us for the delivery time -
Dwarf III Smart Telescoop
Aperture (mm): 35Focal length (mm): 150Speed (f): 4.3Ask us for the delivery time -
Occasion SkyWatcher Esprit 100ED met flattener
€ 1.950,00Available -
Occasion William Optics Fluorostar 91 apochromatic refractor rood
Aperture (mm): 91Focal length (mm): 540Speed (f): 5.9Available -
Occasion William Optics ZenithStar 61II goud APO telescoop
Aperture (mm): 61Focal length (mm): 360Speed (f): 5.9Ask us for the delivery time -
Gratis Uniguide 32
William Optics Cat 91 WIFD f/4.9
Aperture (mm): 91Focal length (mm): 448Speed (f): 4.9Available -
William Optics FluoroStar 120 apochromatic refractor goud
Aperture (mm): 120Focal length (mm): 780Speed (f): 6.5Ask us for the delivery time -
William Optics FluoroStar 120 apochromatic refractor rood
Aperture (mm): 120Focal length (mm): 780Speed (f): 6.5Ask us for the delivery time